英 [vəʊg]

- n. 时尚;流行,时髦
- adj. 时髦的,流行的
- n. (Vogue)人名;(葡)沃格
复数: vogues;
1. waggon, way => vogue:跟上时代的步伐、朝着、沿着时代的步伐、潮流走。.
2. The etymological notion underlying the word vogue is of being borne along on the 'waves' of fashion.
3. 美国时尚杂志: 《VOGUE》,由全球首屈一指的期刊出版商美国康泰纳仕集团出版发行。
4. 谐音“舞歌、我哥、我歌”----我喜欢唱流行歌曲。
2. The etymological notion underlying the word vogue is of being borne along on the 'waves' of fashion.
3. 美国时尚杂志: 《VOGUE》,由全球首屈一指的期刊出版商美国康泰纳仕集团出版发行。
4. 谐音“舞歌、我哥、我歌”----我喜欢唱流行歌曲。
vogue 时尚
- vogue
- vogue: [16] The etymological notion underlying the word vogue is of being borne along on the ‘waves’ of fashion. Its immediate source was French vogue. This was originally used for ‘rowing’, but was subsequently extended metaphorically via ‘smooth easy course’ and ‘successful course’ to ‘fashionable course’. French vogue itself, though, was of Germanic origin. It was a derivative of the verb voguer ‘row, go along smoothly’, which was probably borrowed from Old Low German *wogon ‘float on the waves’ (a relative of English waggon, way, etc).
=> waggon, way - vogue (n.)
- 1570s, the vogue, "height of popularity or accepted fashion," from Middle French vogue "fashion, success;" also "drift, swaying motion (of a boat)" literally "a rowing," from Old French voguer "to row, sway, set sail" (15c.), probably from a Germanic source. Compare Old High German wagon "to float, fluctuate," literally "to balance oneself;" German Wege "wave, billow," wogen "fluctuate, float" (see weigh).
Perhaps the notion is of being "borne along on the waves of fashion." Italian voga "a rowing," Spanish boga "rowing," but colloquially "fashion, reputation" also probably are from the same Germanic source. Phrase in vogue "having a prominent place in popular fashion" first recorded 1643. The fashion magazine began publication in 1892.
- 1. She has had many credits and name-checks in American Vogue.
- 美国版《时尚》多次对她进行赞扬或是提到她的名字。
- 2. Pale colours are much more in vogue than autumnal bronzes and coppers.
- 浅色比黄褐色和红棕色这些秋季色彩更流行。
- 3. the vogue for child-centred education
- 以孩子为中心的教育潮流
- 4. Cycling enjoyed a vogue at the end of the nineteenth century.
- 19世纪末骑自行车曾风行一时.
- 5. The song had a great vogue at one time.
- 这首歌曾风行一时.