英 [spriː]

- n. 狂欢;无节制的狂热行为;欢闹
- vi. 狂欢;狂饮
- n. (Spree)人名;(德)施普雷
复数: sprees;
spree 玩乐,狂欢
俚语,可能来自法语 espirt,精神,生机勃勃,词源同 spirit.引申词义玩乐,狂欢。
- spree (n.)
- "a frolic, drinking bout," 1804, slang, earliest use in Scottish dialect works, of uncertain origin. Perhaps [Barnhart] an alteration of French esprit "lively wit" (see esprit). According to Klein, Irish spre seems to be a loan-word from Old Norse sprakr. Watkins proposes a possible origin as an alteration of Scots spreath "cattle raid," from Gaelic sprédh, spré, "cattle; wealth," from Middle Irish preit, preid, "booty," ultimately from Latin praeda "plunder, booty" (see prey (n.)).
The splore is a frolic, a merry meeting. In the slang language of the inhabitants of St Giles's, in London, it is called a spree or a go. [Note in "Select Scottish Songs, Ancient and Modern," vol. II, London, 1810]
In Foote's comedy "The Maid of Bath" (1794) the word appears as a Scottish dialect pronunciation of spry: " 'When I intermarried with Sir Launcelot Coldstream, I was en siek a spree lass as yoursel; and the baronet bordering upon his grand climacteric;' " etc.
- 1. They went on the spree and spent a lot of money.
- 他们大吃大喝,花了一大笔钱.
- 2. Some Americans went on a spending spree in December to beat the new tax.
- 一些美国人在12月疯狂花钱,以避开新税。
- 3. After her shoplifting spree she lived in mortal dread of being found out.
- 在商店连番行窃之后,她惶恐终日,害怕给人发现.
- 4. Old Sebastian's on the spree again.
- 老塞巴斯蒂安又狂欢了.
- 5. He went on a drinking spree.
- 他狂饮作乐.