英 [seɪm]

- adj. 相同的;同一的;上述的(通常与the连用);无变化的
- pron. 同样的事物或人(通常与the连用)
- adv. 同样地(通常与the连用)
- n. (Same)人名;(意)萨梅
same 相同的,同样的
来自古英语 same,相同的,同样的,来自 Proto-Germanic*sama,相同的,来自 PIE*sem,一, 一样,一致,词源同 some,homo-.
- same
- same: [12] Same comes ultimately from Indo- European *somós ‘same’. This also produced Greek homós ‘same’ (source of the English prefix homo-, as in homosexual), and was a variant of the base that gave Latin similis ‘similar’ (source of English similar and simulate), Latin simul ‘at the same time’ (source of English assemble and simultaneous), Latin simplus ‘simple’ (source of English simple).
Latin singulus ‘single’ (source of English single and singular), and English seem and some. The Indo-European adjective passed into prehistoric Germanic as *samaz, which in due course evolved into Old Norse same. The Vikings brought the word with them to England, where it gradually replaced the native terms for ‘same’, ilk and self. - same (adj.)
- perhaps abstracted from Old English swa same "the same as," but more likely from Old Norse same, samr "same," both from Proto-Germanic *sama- "same" (cognates: Old Saxon, Old High German, Gothic sama, Old High German samant, German samt "together, with," Gothic samana "together," Dutch zamelen "to collect," German zusammen "together"), from PIE *samos "same," from root *sem- (1) "one," also "as one" (adv.), "together with" (cognates: Sanskrit samah "even, level, similar, identical;" Avestan hama "similar, the same;" Greek hama "together with, at the same time," homos "one and the same," homios "like, resembling," homalos "even;" Latin similis "like;" Old Irish samail "likeness;" Old Church Slavonic samu "himself").
Old English had lost the pure form of the word; the modern word replaced synonymous ilk. As a pronoun from c. 1300. Colloquial phrase same here as an exclamation of agreement is from 1895. Same difference curious way to say "equal," is attested from 1945.
- 1. Driving a boat is not the same as driving a car.
- 驾船和开车不是一回事。
- 2. We were in the same college, which was male-only at that time.
- 我们那时在同一所学院,当时只招男生。
- 3. They found their computers producing different results from exactly the same calculation.
- 他们发现他们的计算机进行完全相同的计算会得出不同的结果。
- 4. Brian counted to twenty and lifted his binoculars. Elena did the same.
- 布赖恩数到20,举起了双筒望远镜。埃琳娜也照着做了。
- 5. We had this understanding that courses were roughly the same weight.
- 我们已经了解到各门功课差不多一样重要。