英 [rɪ'tren(t)ʃ]

- vt. 删除;减少;紧缩开支
- vi. 节省;紧缩
第三人称单数: retrenches;过去式: retrenched;过去分词: retrenched;现在分词: retrenching;名词: retrenchment;
retrench 节约,缩减
re-,向后,往回,-trench,砍,劈,词源同 truncate,trunk.引申词义节约,缩减。 retrial 复审,再审
- retrench
- retrench: [16] Retrench originally meant literally ‘dig a new trench as a second line of defence’. It was borrowed from early modern French retrencher, a descendant of Old French retrenchier. This was a compound verb formed from the prefix re- ‘again’ and trenchier ‘cut off’ (source of English trench, trenchant, etc). The standard present-day sense of retrench, ‘cut back, economize’, first recorded in the 17th century, is a return to the underlying meaning of French retrencher.
=> trench, trenchant - retrench (v.1)
- 1590s, "dig a new trench as a second line of defense," 1590s, probably a back-formation from retrenchment in the military sense. Related: Retrenched; retrenching.
- retrench (v.2)
- "cut off, cut down, pare away" (expenses, etc.), 1620s, from obsolete French retrencher "to cut off, lessen, shorten" (Modern French retrancher, Old French retrenchier), from re- "back" (see re-) + Old French trenchier "to cut" (see trench). Related: Retrenched; retrenching.
- 1. Shortly afterwards, cuts in defence spending forced the aerospace industry to retrench.
- 不久之后,国防开支的削减迫使航空航天业紧缩开支。
- 2. Inflation has forced us to retrench.
- 因通货膨胀我们不得不紧缩开支.
- 3. The mess of Wall Street means the families have to retrench.
- 华尔街的动荡对很多家庭来说意味着新一轮的勒紧腰带过日子.
- 4. As business is bad these days, we have to retrench.
- 由于最近生意不景气, 我们不得不紧缩开支.
- 5. Why don't you retrench then - scrape up, hoard , economise?
- 那么你为什么不节约一下 —— 积累一点, 储蓄一点, 省吃俭用一些 呢 ?