英 ['nɪk(ə)l]

- n. 镍;镍币;五分镍币
- vt. 镀镍于
- n. (Nickel)人名;(德、英)尼克尔
复数: nickels;
nickel 镍,分币
来自瑞典语kopparnickel,铜矿,铜矿中的魔鬼,来自koppar,铜,即copper,nickel,魔鬼,常见名Nicholas的昵称,来自古英语Old Nick,魔鬼。一种铜矿中的杂质,被矿工戏称为魔鬼,后研究证明该杂质实为镍。镍常被用于铸造钱币,即分币,以代替更昂贵的铜钱。
- nickel
- nickel: [18] The element nickel was named in 1754 by the Swedish mineralogist Axel von Cronstedt. The word he chose was a truncated form of kupfernickel, a term formerly used by German miners for niccolite, a nickle-bearing ore. This meant literally ‘copperdemon’, an allusion probably to the fact that niccolite looks as though it contains copper, but does not. The -nickel part of the term represents a pet form of the name Nikolaus, perhaps chosen for its resemblance to German nix ‘water-sprite’. Nickel was first used for a US five-cent coin (made of a copper and nickel alloy) in the 1880s.
- nickel (n.)
- whitish metal element, 1755, coined in 1754 by Swedish mineralogist Axel von Cronstedt (1722-1765) from shortening of Swedish kopparnickel "copper-colored ore" (from which it was first obtained), a half-translation of German Kupfernickel, literally "copper demon," from Kupfer (see copper) + Nickel "demon, goblin, rascal" (a pet form of masc. proper name Nikolaus, compare English Old Nick "the devil;" see Nicholas); the ore so called by miners because it looked like copper but yielded none.
Meaning "coin made partly of nickel" is from 1857, when the U.S. introduced one-cent coins made of nickel to replace the old bulky copper pennies. Application to five-cent piece (originally one part nickel, three parts copper) is from 1883, American English; in earlier circulation there were silver half-dimes. To nickel-and-dime (someone) is from 1964 (nickels and dimes "very small amounts of money" is attested from 1893).
- 1. Nickel can be used for making coins.
- 镍可做成钱币.
- 2. May I have a nickel?
- 能给我五分钱 吗 ?
- 3. In the squares place a penny, nickel, dime and quarter in that order. The object is to reverse the order of these coins.
- 在这些方块中按顺序放置1分、5分、10分和25分的硬币各一枚。目标是颠倒这些硬币的顺序。
- 4. He immediately used the same nickel to buy one of Billy's cakes.
- 他立即用同样的五美分币买了比利的一块蛋糕.
- 5. Metals commonly mixed with gold are nickel, platinum, and copper.
- 通常与金混合的金属有镍 、 铂和铜.