英 [ɪndɪ'vɪdjʊ(ə)l]

- adj. 个人的;个别的;独特的
- n. 个人,个体
复数: individuals;
individual 个人,个体
- individual
- individual: [15] To begin with, individual retained in English its ancestral meaning ‘not able to be divided’: ‘in the name of the holy and individual Trinity’. Richard Whitbourne, Discourse and Discovery of Newfoundland 1623. It was borrowed from medieval Latin indīviduālis, a derivative of Latin indīviduus ‘not divisible’, which in turn was based on dīviduus, a derivative of the verb dīvidere ‘divide’. The semantic move from ‘not divisible’ to ‘single, separate’ took place in the 17th century. (English acquired the formally parallel indivisible, incidentally, in the 14th century.)
=> divide - individual (adj.)
- early 15c., "one and indivisible" (with reference to the Trinity), from Medieval Latin individualis, from Latin individuus "indivisible," from in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + dividuus "divisible," from dividere "divide" (see divide). Not common before c. 1600 and the 15c. usage might be isolated. Sense of "single, separate" is 1610s; meaning "intended for one person" is from 1889.
- individual (n.)
- "single object or thing," c. 1600, from individual (adj.). Colloquial sense of "person" is attested from 1742. Latin individuum meant "an atom, indivisible particle;" in Middle English individuum was used in sense of "individual member of a species" from early 15c.
- 1. Tourism is up, jobs are up, individual income is up.
- 旅游火了,工作机会多了,个人收入涨了。
- 2. This was a matter for decision by the individual.
- 这件事需要个人自己决定。
- 3. Choose a soft, medium or firm mattress to suit their individual needs.
- 针对他们各人不同的需要挑选柔软、软硬适中或者坚硬的床垫。
- 4. Whether such properties are a good deal will depend on individual situations.
- 这样的地产是否可获得大笔收益还要视具体情形而定。
- 5. Social science is a collective name, covering a series of individual sciences.
- 社会科学是一个统称,涵盖一系列的独立学科。