英 [fæk'tɪʃəs]

- adj. 人为的,人工的;不自然的;虚假的
factitious 人为的,虚假的
来自词根fact, 做,词源同fact,face.词义贬义化,即人为的,虚假的。
- factitious (adj.)
- 1640s, "made by or resulting from art, artificial," from Latin facticius/factitius "artificial," from factus "elaborate, artistic," past participle adjective from facere "to make, do; perform; bring about; endure, suffer; behave; suit, be of service" (source of French faire, Spanish hacer), from PIE root *dhe- "to put, to set, to do" (cognates: Sanskrit dadhati "puts, places;" Avestan dadaiti "he puts;" Old Persian ada "he made;" Hittite dai- "to place;" Greek tithenai "to put, set, place;" Lithuanian deti "to put;" Polish dziać się "to be happening;" Russian delat' "to do;" Old High German tuon, German tun, Old Saxon, Old English don "to do;" Old Frisian dua, Old Swedish duon, Gothic gadeths "a doing;" Old Norse dalidun "they did"). Related: Factitiously; factitiousness.
- 1. Extensive advertising can cause a factitious demand for an article.
- 大规模的广告宣传能引起对某一商品的反常需求.
- 2. When factitious what has is the meeting special brokenhearted?
- 人为什么有的时候会特别的没有精神 呢 ?
- 3. How does the person make true joy? Factitious what and living?
- 人怎么才叫真的快乐? 人为什么而活着 呢 ?
- 4. Factitious what is occasionally is affection respect late blunt?
- 人为什么有时候在情感方面很迟钝?
- 5. Factitious what can have sadness, sadness from why and come?
- 人为什么会有悲伤, 悲伤从何而来?