英 [kə'rekt]

- vt. 改正;告诫
- vi. 调整;纠正错误
- adj. 正确的;恰当的;端正的
第三人称单数: corrects;过去式: corrected;过去分词: corrected;现在分词: correcting;副词: correctly;名词: correctness;
correct 正确的
cor-, 强调。-rect, 直,正确,词源同erect, right .
- correct
- correct: [14] Correct is etymologically related to rectitude and rightness. It comes from the past participle of Latin corrigere ‘make straight, put right’, a compound verb formed from the intensive prefix com- and regere ‘lead straight, rule’. This regere (source of English regent, régime, regiment, and region) goes back to an Indo-European base *reg- ‘move in a straight line’, which also produced English right, rectitude, regal, royal, and rule. In English the verb correct by a long time predates the adjective, which first appeared (via French) in the 17th century.
=> escort, regal, region, right, royal, rule - correct (v.)
- mid-14c., "to set right, rectify" (a fault or error), from Latin correctus, past participle of corrigere "to put straight, reduce to order, set right;" in transferred use, "to reform, amend," especially of speech or writing, from com-, intensive prefix (see com-), + regere "to lead straight, rule" (see regal). Originally of persons; with reference to writing, etc., attested from late 14c. Related: Corrected; correcting.
- correct (adj.)
- 1670s, from French correct "right, proper," from Latin correctus (see correct (v.)). Related: Correctly; correctness.
- 1. "That is correct, Meg," he answered in his cold, dead voice.
- “没错,梅格。”他用冰冷、阴沉的声音答道。
- 2. The club specialises in videoing its student golfers to correct their faults.
- 俱乐部专门为高尔夫学员制作录像,以纠正他们的错误。
- 3. The correct answers can be found at the bottom of page 8.
- 正确答案在第8页末尾。
- 4. Ophthalmic surgeons are now performing laser surgery to correct myopia.
- 眼科医生现在采用激光手术来矫正近视。
- 5. I think English men are very polite and very correct.
- 我认为英国人很有礼貌,举止非常得体。