英 ['keɪɒs]

- n. 混沌,混乱
- n. (Chaos)人名;(西)查奥斯
1. 希腊神话可以说和中国古代神话存在某种程度上的不谋而合,且非常符合中国古代的朴素的哲学思想,即:太极生两仪,两仪生四象,四象生八卦;一生二,二生三、三生万物的哲学思想;即由天地合一的混沌状态到分出天地,再到其他。如希腊神话的原始神(Chaos)[似乎像是我们的元始天尊],到分出天地就出现了天神(天王:Uranus / Ouranos),地神(地母:Gaea / Gaia),然后到其他神。其生殖方式也符合大自然的进化规律,即先由无性生殖,即单性生殖,然后进化到有性生殖,即双性生殖。
2. 应该说最初的神,是很抽象的神,是对早已存在事物的抽象化、神化,他们的神的特性是比较模糊的,到后来产生有性生殖后各个神的形象才丰满起来,才如此的栩栩如生。应该是希腊神话要比咱们中国神话要精彩得多,它的神话非常丰满、完整、复杂、纷呈,有很多栩栩如生的故事和传说,并且贴近于人的现实生活,与人的生活有机地耦合在一起,有各种各样的神,还塑造了很多的英雄形象,并且没有中国神话中的那些清规戒律。
2. 应该说最初的神,是很抽象的神,是对早已存在事物的抽象化、神化,他们的神的特性是比较模糊的,到后来产生有性生殖后各个神的形象才丰满起来,才如此的栩栩如生。应该是希腊神话要比咱们中国神话要精彩得多,它的神话非常丰满、完整、复杂、纷呈,有很多栩栩如生的故事和传说,并且贴近于人的现实生活,与人的生活有机地耦合在一起,有各种各样的神,还塑造了很多的英雄形象,并且没有中国神话中的那些清规戒律。
chaos 混乱,混沌
来自PIE*gheu, 呵气,张嘴,词源同gas, yawn.神学术语。
- chaos
- chaos: see gas
- chaos (n.)
- late 14c., "gaping void," from Old French chaos (14c.) or directly from Latin chaos, from Greek khaos "abyss, that which gapes wide open, is vast and empty," from *khnwos, from PIE root *gheu- "to gape, yawn" (cognates: Greek khaino "I yawn," Old English ginian, Old Norse ginnunga-gap; see yawn (v.)).
Meaning "utter confusion" (c. 1600) is extended from theological use of chaos for "the void at the beginning of creation" in Vulgate version of Genesis (1530s in English). The Greek for "disorder" was tarakhe, however the use of chaos here was rooted in Hesiod ("Theogony"), who describes khaos as the primeval emptiness of the Universe, begetter of Erebus and Nyx ("Night"), and in Ovid ("Metamorphoses"), who opposes Khaos to Kosmos, "the ordered Universe." Meaning "orderless confusion" in human affairs is from c. 1600. Chaos theory in the modern mathematical sense is attested from c. 1977.
- 1. Whatever troubles arise, we'll have peace of mind amidst seeming chaos.
- 无论出现什么样的麻烦,我们都会在貌似混乱的情形中保持平和的心态。
- 2. Many editorials express their anxieties about the economic chaos in the country.
- 许多社论对该国经济的混乱状况表示忧虑。
- 3. He needs them to stop the country sliding into chaos.
- 他需要他们来防止这个国家陷入混乱。
- 4. I think it's going to cause chaos personally but never mind.
- 我个人认为它会引起混乱,但是没关系。
- 5. The world's first transatlantic balloon race ended in chaos last night.
- 昨晚世界第一届跨大西洋热气球比赛在一片混乱中收场。