
- adj. 天主教的;宽宏大量的
- n. 天主教徒;罗马天主教
1. cat- "according to, relating to, about" + hol- + -ic.
2. => "on the whole, in general, relating to all".
3. => universal, general.
4. => "of the doctrines of the ancient Church," literally "universally accepted".
5. Etymologically, the Catholic Church is the universal church, comprising all Christians.
6. General sense of "of interest to all, universal".
7. 天主教,国际惯称“大公教会”,语源为“天下为公”的公,别名“圣教会,普世教会,圣而公教会”,是主张大公主义的基督教三大教派分支之一,也是强调普世性的宗徒继承教会。根据中国古话“至高莫若天、至尊莫若主”译作“天主”。天主教,直译大公、或至公主义,意指“统括一切的“、“包罗万象的”、“宽容大量的”。至公主义的诞生,也象征着基督教脱离它的母体犹太教,成为不分种族、不分国籍的大公宗教。
2. => "on the whole, in general, relating to all".
3. => universal, general.
4. => "of the doctrines of the ancient Church," literally "universally accepted".
5. Etymologically, the Catholic Church is the universal church, comprising all Christians.
6. General sense of "of interest to all, universal".
7. 天主教,国际惯称“大公教会”,语源为“天下为公”的公,别名“圣教会,普世教会,圣而公教会”,是主张大公主义的基督教三大教派分支之一,也是强调普世性的宗徒继承教会。根据中国古话“至高莫若天、至尊莫若主”译作“天主”。天主教,直译大公、或至公主义,意指“统括一切的“、“包罗万象的”、“宽容大量的”。至公主义的诞生,也象征着基督教脱离它的母体犹太教,成为不分种族、不分国籍的大公宗教。
Catholic 天主教
cata-, 向下。-hol, 整个的,全部的,词源同holy, whole, hologram(全息图)。用于宗教术语,即无所不包的。
- catholic
- catholic: [14] Etymologically, the Catholic Church is the universal church, comprising all Christians. For catholic comes ultimately from a Greek word, katholikós, meaning ‘relating to all, general’. It was a derivative of kathólou, a compound formed from katá ‘relating to’ and hólos ‘whole’ (source of English holism and holistic). It passed into English via Old French catholique or ecclesiastical Latin catholicus. Its original meaning is preserved today in such contexts as ‘catholic tastes’ – that is, ‘wideranging tastes’.
=> holistic - catholic (adj.)
- mid-14c., "of the doctrines of the ancient Church," literally "universally accepted," from French catholique, from Church Latin catholicus "universal, general," from Greek katholikos, from phrase kath' holou "on the whole, in general," from kata "about" + genitive of holos "whole" (see safe (adj.)). Applied to the Church in Rome c. 1554, after the Reformation began. General sense of "of interest to all, universal" is from 1550s.
- Catholic (n.)
- "member of the Roman Catholic church," 1560s, from Catholic (adj.).
- 1. It presented in satirical terms points made in earnest by Catholic writers.
- 它用讽刺的语言呈现了天主教作家郑重其事表明的观点。
- 2. Mr Thomas was taught by the Catholic nuns whose school he attended.
- 托马斯先生是在天主教修女创办的学校接受的教育。
- 3. A new Catholic bishop was installed in Galway yesterday.
- 昨天在戈尔韦任命了一位新的天主教主教。
- 4. He was a recent Catholic convert, and very zealous.
- 他最近才皈依天主教,是一名狂热的信徒。
- 5. Cuba was one of the least Catholic of the Latin countries.
- 古巴是拉丁语系国家中天主教化程度最小的国家之一。