英 [ə'staʊnd]

- vt. 使惊骇;使震惊
第三人称单数: astounds;过去式: astounded;过去分词: astounded;现在分词: astounding;
1. ex- => es- => as- "out" + -tound (ton-) "thunder".
2. 这里的 as- "out" 取引申义,表示:离开、脱离正常的状态或情绪或表情。
3. 字面含义:thunder sb out. => leave someone thunderstruck.
4. 或者:out: 出去、离开、远离。=> 不管。=> 听任、让、使…处于(某种状态)(leave)。
2. 这里的 as- "out" 取引申义,表示:离开、脱离正常的状态或情绪或表情。
3. 字面含义:thunder sb out. => leave someone thunderstruck.
4. 或者:out: 出去、离开、远离。=> 不管。=> 听任、让、使…处于(某种状态)(leave)。
astound 吃惊
as来自前缀ex- 变体,此处表强调。词根ton, 雷,拟声词,同thunder. 指如被雷击。缀生字母d, 同sound.
- astound
- astound: [17] Astound, astonish, and stun all come ultimately from the same origin: a Vulgar Latin verb *extonāre, which literally meant something like ‘leave someone thunderstruck’ (it was formed from the Latin verb tonāre ‘thunder’). This became Old French estoner, which had three offshoots in English: it was borrowed into Middle English in the 13th century as astone or astun, and immediately lost its initial a, producing a form stun; then in the 15th century, in Scotland originally, it had the suffix -ish grafted on to it, producing astonish; and finally in the 17th century its past participle, astoned or, as it was also spelled, astound, formed the basis of a new verb.
=> astonish, stun - astound (v.)
- mid-15c., from Middle English astouned, astoned (c. 1300), past participle of astonen, astonien "to stun" (see astonish), with more of the original sense of Vulgar Latin *extonare. Related: Astounded; astounding.
- 1. If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.
- 如果把我们能做到的都做了,最终连我们自己都会被吓到。
来自金山词霸 每日一句
- 2. Their dark humor never failed to astound him.
- 他们的黑色幽默总能让他咋舌。
- 3. He used to astound his friends with feats of physical endurance.
- 过去,他表现出来的惊人耐力常让朋友们大吃一惊。
- 4. A repertoire of tricks will astound the esteemed public.
- 全部节目将使尊敬的观众惊心动魄.
- 5. His practical grasp of affairs and his energy still astound me.
- 他对事物的实际掌握和他充沛的精力实在使我惊异.