英 [ə'nɒɪ]

- vt. 骚扰;惹恼;打搅
- vi. 惹恼;令人讨厌;打搅
- n. 烦恼(等于annoyance)
1. odium "hatred" => odi- "hatred" => in + odi- => "in hatred" => noi- / -noy (缩合而成的词根,这是在被借入、进入法语后由于缩合而导致的前面的 i 和中间的 d 脱落、消失)。
2. an- + -noy.
3. 同源词:ennui, odious, odium, noisome.
4. 啊,闹呀! 烦死啦!be annoyed with sb.我烦某个人.
5. annoy “俺恼、暗恼呀”→使苦恼
6. noise, noisy => annoy.
2. an- + -noy.
3. 同源词:ennui, odious, odium, noisome.
4. 啊,闹呀! 烦死啦!be annoyed with sb.我烦某个人.
5. annoy “俺恼、暗恼呀”→使苦恼
6. noise, noisy => annoy.
annoy 使愤怒
来自拉丁短语in odio, 厌恶。词根od, 难闻,见odor, 气味。字母d, y 音变。
annul 废除
前缀an-同ad-.-nul, 同词根nil, 零。
- annoy
- annoy: [13] Annoy comes ultimately from the Latin phrase in odiō, literally ‘in hatred’, hence ‘odious’ (odiō was the ablative sense of odium, from which English got odious [14] and odium [17]). The phrase was turned into a verb in later Latin – inodiāre ‘make loathsome’ – which transferred to Old French as anuier or anoier (in modern French this has become ennuyer, whose noun ennui was borrowed into English in the mid 18th century in the sense ‘boredom’).
=> ennui, noisome, odious - annoy (v.)
- late 13c., from Anglo-French anuier, Old French enoiier, anuier "to weary, vex, anger; be troublesome or irksome to," from Late Latin inodiare "make loathsome," from Latin (esse) in odio "(it is to me) hateful," ablative of odium "hatred" (see odium). Earliest form of the word in English was as a noun, c. 1200, "feeling of irritation, displeasure, distaste." Related: Annoyed; annoying; annoyingly. Middle English also had annoyful and annoyous (both late 14c.).
- 1. As the years went by his nastiness began to annoy his readers.
- 年深日久,他恶毒的文字开始让读者生厌。
- 2. Try making a note of the things which annoy you.
- 试着把烦心事写下来。
- 3. His constant joking was beginning to annoy her.
- 他不停地开玩笑,已开始惹她生气。
- 4. If you annoy me much more, I'll box your ears.
- 如果你再打扰我, 我将打你耳光.
- 5. She sometimes does things on purpose just to annoy me.
- 她有时存心做些事来使我生气.