Every day
You will need a second pair of shoes.───你需要再准备一双鞋.
We have many patterns in stock for you to choose from.───我们有多种现存的式样供你选择.
You shouldn't fool around with dangerous chemicals.───你不应该玩弄危险的化学品.
If you close that door, you can shut the noise in.───你要是关上那扇门, 就听不到吵闹声了.
So you think we ought to wait here? — Precisely.───那么你认为我们应该在这儿等 吗 ?——对.
In a pinch, you could get home on foot.───在万不得已时, 你可以步行回家.
You are really disgusting.───瞧你那个德行.
Everywhere you look, you can see glass and concrete monstrosities going up.───到处你都能看到玻璃和混凝土的庞然大物拔地而起.
You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.
You cannot judge a tree by its bark.
When do you want to play?
Be more specific about what you want to do.
Have you any thoughts about our next holiday?