I'm listening to the radio
收音机───radio;正在───In progress
A radio announcer may have an audience of millions.───一个广播员可能拥有数百万名听众.
My friend here writes for radio.───我身边这位朋友为电台撰稿。
You will now maintain radio silence.───现在请保持无线电静默。
The radio crackled into life.───收音机嘎嘎地响了起来。
Would you have the goodness to turn off the radio?───劳驾,请你把收音机关上好不好?
I will swap you my bicycle for your radio.───我想拿我的自行车换你的收音机.
He likes to awake to the sound of a radio.───他喜欢在广播声中醒来.
The radio isn't loud enough, could you turn it up?───收音机不够响, 你能把音量开大一点 吗 ?
She's listening to the radio.
Radio is a boon to the blind.
The radio is giving out a strange signal.
The radio started to crackle.
Turn your radio down, or you'll wake the neighbours.