


the pontiff


教皇───the pontiff


The Pontiff celebrated mass in Mexico City.───教皇在墨西哥城主持了弥撒。

The pontiff led the service from a towering white and gold altar erected in a new baseball stadium.───在这个新棒球场上立着一个高大的白色和金色神坛。 教皇就在神坛上主持弥撒活动。

But they also take the pontiff to task on lots of things.───但是,他们也向教皇提及了许多其他事情。

However, the Pontiff had been too busy and they had been forced to make do with an audience with one of his cardinals.───但是教皇太忙,他们不得已只能谒见了一位大主教了事。

In a statement issued first on his behalf and then twice in person, the pontiff expressed deep regret for the offence that had been taken.───在首先以他的名义,以后两次又亲自发表的声明中,教皇对造成的冒犯深表歉意。

The pontiff says it is difficult for him to understand how priests could betray their mission to children.───教皇说,他很难理解神父怎么能够背叛他们对儿童的使命。


But the pontiff says that promise was not fulfilled for all in America.

In his homily the Pontiff focused on the ills of modern materialism .

The Pontiff celebrated mass in Mexico City.

The Pontiff also urged dialogue and brotherhood between faiths.

The pontiff also delivered comments in Spanish, recognizing a growing Catholic population in the United States.