Height age weight
As we gained height, the ground receded from view.───随着我们向空中升起, 地面慢慢从视野中消失.
is your height and weight?───你的身高和体重是多少?
His great height fitted him for team games.───他个头高大,适合参加团体运动项目.
The editor at once sent the journalist a telegram instructing him to find out the exact number of steps and the height of the wall.───编辑立即给这位记者发了一份电报,叫他查明台阶的准确数目以及围墙的高度.
They were almost the same height and they moved perfectly in step.───他们几乎一样高,而且走路时步调完全一致。
We work hard to reach new height.───为了达到新高峰,我们努力工作.
At the height of her career, Orson Welles dubbed her "the most exciting woman in the world".───奥森·韦尔斯把处在事业巅峰的她戏称为“世上最令人兴奋的女人”。
Very big waves dashed over the sea wall at the height of the storm.───在暴风雨最猛烈的时候,巨浪吞没了防波堤.
He is six feet in height.
It is almost 2 metres in height.
He must have fallen from a great height.
We looked down from a giddy height.
This door is narrow in proportion to its height.