Always on and off
断断续续───On and off;总是───always
Their conduct both on and off the pitch was excellent.───他们场上场下都表现出众。
I believe, from what I know of him, he was a bit of a rake. We bivouacked together on and off for nearly two years.───我对他的了解,这是个有点浪子气息的家伙。我们断断续续地在一起露营了近两年。
It rained on and off all day.───哩哩啦啦下了一天雨.
It rained on and off all day.───雨断断续续地下了一整天。
This low-impact exercise involves stepping on and off a platform following routines to music.───这一低强度锻炼的内容包括在伴随音乐做完固定动作之后重复踏上踏下平台。
Don't confuse me with technicalities —— all I need to know is how to turn the machine on and off.───细节性技术我搞不懂,别讲了,我要知道的只是机器怎么开关.
She fascinated him, both on and off stage.───不管是台上还是台下的她,都让他着迷。
Power response is uniform, with smoother variations on and off - axis.───功率响应一致, 同轴和离轴变化更为平稳.