It's OK here, too
Are you sure you want him as your partner for life?───你决定要他做你的终生伴侣 吗 ?
Turn left at the corner, then just follow your nose and you're sure to find it.───在拐角处左转, 然后径直往前走,你肯定会找到它的.
She's been very depressed recently, but I'm sure she'll soon pull out of it.───她近来一直很抑郁, 但我相信不久她就会振作起来的.
I would like to do it with you, but I am not sure whether my parents permit.───我愿意和你一起做, 但不知我父母是否允许.
I'm not sure,' she responded.───我不肯定。”她答道。
You don't sound very sure.───听你这口气,你自己也不大肯定。
Are you sure it's the real thing, not just infatuation?───你确信这是真爱, 而不是一时的迷恋 吗 ?
a movie that is sure to bridge the generation gap───肯定能弥合代沟的一部电影
Heaven’s vengeance is slow but sure.
I'm sure my neighbours spy on me.
I'm not sure. Maybe. --It's possible.
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I'm sure he needs no introduction.