Sizhou monk
泗州───Sizhou;和尚───buddhist monk
new company, Alstom Sizhou, will also provide a low-cost manufacturing base for Alstom's global supply chain.───新的合资公司-阿尔斯通四洲公司,还将为阿尔斯通的全球供应链提供一个低成本生产基地。
Sengqie was a prominent monk in T'ang Dynasty. He was born in the Western Region and won great popularity in Sizhou, Jiangsu province.───僧伽是唐代高僧,他出生于西域,后来在江苏泗州一带赢得了民众广泛信仰,他因为修建普光王寺而得到唐中宗的礼遇和赐封。
Situated in beautiful and rich shore of east China sea ----Wenzhou of Zhejiang Province, Wenzhou Sizhou Printing Co.───温州四洲印刷有限公司座落在我国改革开放的前沿城市、美丽富饶的东海之滨——浙江省温州市。
The new company, Alstom Sizhou, will also provide a low-cost manufacturing base for Alstom's global supply chain.───新的合资公司-阿尔斯通四洲公司,还将为阿尔斯通的全球供应链提供一个低成本生产基地。
Scrap Management Team for Sizhou has founded from now on under the support of each department.───废料管理团队已经成立泗洲从现在起在各部门的支持。
In the beginning , Sizhou Drama was called "La Hun Air ", which means the melodiousness of it's singing.