


He's an elephant




At what point does the training of a captive wild elephant begin?───到什么情况下,才能开始对捕来的野象进行训练?

A big elephant is running amuck in the village, tearing up the trees by the roots.───一头大象在村子里横行无忌, 把许多树连根拔起.

His tour de force is an elephant sculpture.───他的精心之作是一件大象雕塑。

Does an elephant have a long nose?───大象有长鼻子 吗 ?

He received praise for the atmospheric monochrome shots in David Lynch's The Elephant Man.───他在大卫·林奇的电影《象人》中所拍摄的那些渲染气氛的黑白镜头受到了好评。

The some people brushes teeth the elephant pulls to saw, and also be thwart brush.───有些人刷牙象拉锯, 也就是横着刷.

When they saw the elephant blowing the mouth organ , the children roared with laughter.───看见大象吹口琴, 孩子们这个乐啊!

A boa constrictor is a very dangerous creature, and an elephant is very cumbersome.───大蟒蛇很危险, 大象又十分的笨重.


An elephant hulked up suddenly before us.

In this way he got the weight of the elephant.

The elephant dwarfed the tortoise.

The angry elephant crashed through the forest.

The elephant crashed through the forest.