He is seeking redress for what he alleges was an unfair demotion.───他正在为他所声称不公正的降职寻求赔偿。
The team now almost certainly faces demotion.───这支球队目前几乎肯定要面临降级的命运。
Demotion would cut their value, driving even the most complacent owner to do what it takes to get competitive.───降级会削减其价值,从而使哪怕是最自鸣得意的业主也要付出代价才能获得竞争力。
To be responsible for the awarding, promotion, demotion and cancellation of the customs ranks.───负责海关关衔的授予、晋级、降级、取消等工作。
Demotion often results in employee dissatisfaction, poor subsequent performance, and eventually, turnover.───降级常常导致员工不满, 随后的表现不佳, 并最终导致员工流失。
Allow data type demotion ( e . g. 32 bit integer to 16 bit integer ).───允许数据类型降级 ( 如32位整型降至16位整型 ).
And ten days ago, this stock has just suffered a demotion.───而就在十天前, 这支股票刚刚遭遇了降级.
The demotion in his rank shall be approved by the same authority that approved the initial conferment of the rank.
Promotion or demotion of identities of Dong Yong and the Seventh Fairy and introduction of pagoda tree's imagery after the Song Dynasty are directly results of folklore ideal.
Allow data type demotion ( 32 bit integer to 16 bit integer - loss possible ).
The team now almost certainly faces demotion.
Demotion often results in employee dissatisfaction, poor subsequent performance, and eventually, turnover.