I bring this up, your honor, because I think it is important to understand the background of the defendant.───法官大人,我之所以提及此事,是因为我觉得了解被告的背景十分重要。
The complainant accused the defendant of cheating him.───原告控诉被告欺诈他.
The jury found for the defendant.───陪审团作出了对被告有利的裁决。
The defendant pleaded not guilty.───被告自称无罪.
The defendant was borne down by the weight of evidence.───有力的证据使被告认输了.
A buzz of excitement filled the courtroom as the defendant was led in.───当被告被带进来的时候,整个法庭的人都激动起来,一片嘈杂。
The defendant asked for 21 similar offences to be taken into account.───被告要求考虑到类似的21起违法行为的情况。
He took an oath that he had seen the defendant leaving the scene of crime.───他赌咒曾看到过被告从犯罪现场离开.
The government will not seek to disrupt the legitimate business activities of the defendant.
The judge pronounced for the defendant, and also said that his opponent should pay the court costs.
She testified under oath that the defendant was innocent.
The defendant was borne down by the weight of evidence.
The defendant remained impassive as the judge sentenced him to death.