Self introduction
简介───brief introduction;自我───self
Let me give you a brief introduction to book, please.───请让我给这本书作个简介.
Exhibitor list and its brief introduction on the Expo booklet.───会刊刊登参展商名录及简介.
I think at the beginning of each book a brief introduction to it is necessary.───我认为每本书开头的简短介绍都是很有必要的。
After a brief introduction, he left Charlie to please the audience.───在简短的介绍之后,他离开查理去取悦观众。
This subsection provides a brief introduction to the third - angle projection.───下面简要介绍第三角画法.
The necessity of establishing patent information system is given brief introduction.───简述企业建立专利信息系统的必要性.
Brief introduction form of the property of drive green group, dimensions, operation.───简介了御绿集团的性质 、 规模 、 运营形式.
A brief introduction of green chemistry and it is implemented.───浅述了绿色化学的意义及实施方法.
A brief introduction about the processing design of equipment for MEA are described. It used o-toluidine as raw material through ethylene alkylation to produce MEA.
After this brief introduction the head, who was chairing the meeting, asked staff for comments and questions.
After a brief introduction by the Chairman, the meeting began.
Mr Brown gave a brief introduction to the course.
This paper gives a brief introduction to the time simulated - bugle broadcaster.