Year after year
累年───Year after year
And this sustained the increase year after year in income per person.───年复一年,人均收入水平不断上升.
Tens of thousands of men, year after year, have travelled southwards to find work.───每年有数万人到南方去找工作.
Month after month, year after year, the Wall progressed.───月复一月, 年复一年, 长城延伸着.
You keep on amazing me, year after year, the same old ways.───你不断地给我同样的惊喜,年年如此。
Available in three sizes, the flattree can be used year after year.───一共有三个大小的版本可供使用, 那个平板可以使用很多年.
So we lived, month after month year after year.───我们就这样过日子, 一月又一月,一年又一年.
Regulars return year after year.───老主顾每年都会再来。
Wouldn't you get bored with the same routine year after year teaching the same things to children?───年复一年地教孩子们同样的东西,你不会感到厌烦吗?