welcome to enjoying the happiness of sports here in Xihu Station!───驿站欢迎各位热爱运动的朋友一起挥洒汗水,享受运动的快乐!
Reservoir characteristics of Donghai Xihu Sag were introduced in the paper.───介绍了东海西湖凹陷的储层特征。
The garden has a lake copied from a noted one in China called Xihu.───公园里有一个湖是仿照中国著名的西湖建造的。
A southbound train at the platform in Xihu station began to emit a burnt smell for unknown reasons, causing panic amongst passengers.───一列在西湖站南下月台的列车,因不明原因传出焦臭味,引起乘客恐慌。
Xihu Sag is a giant depression basin with coal beds of Pinghu Formation as its main hydrocarbon source rocks.───西湖凹陷为一大型坳陷盆地,其主要烃源岩为平湖组煤系地层。
Welcome everybody arrives at four lake villages (Xihu Town) discussion page, if you have the question, welcome momentarily proposed. Thanks!───欢迎大家来到四湖村(西湖乡)的讨论页,如您们有疑问,欢迎随时提出。谢谢!
Xihu new land refected hanzhou fully, it is sublimate and showily.
This paper analysis feature, property, cause of formation and distribute of failure and local structure and expound basinal evolution in Xihu Trough.
The master plan of xihu new land.
The Xihu District educational administration established a special fund to provide extra health care for teachers.
Tertiary period, Xihu Sag had experienced basinal evolution from back-arc basin, relict of back - arc basin to foreland basin.