英 ['setld]

- adj. 稳定的;固定的
- v. 解决;定居(settle的过去分词)
- settled weather
- 持续不变的天气
- a settled way of life
- 安定的生活方式
- He decided to lead a more settled life with his partner...
- 他决定和爱人一起过一种更加安定的生活。
- His house was the only settled home I had as a child.
- 他的房子是我儿时唯一固定的家。
- Cats are creatures of habit — they seem to appreciate a settled routine...
- 猫是一种有固定习性的动物,它们似乎喜欢过一种有规律的生活。
- There has been a period of settled weather.
- 天气最近一段时间一直没有变化。
- After a few years of being a diplomat, she still didn't feel settled.
- 做了几年外交官后,她还是没有适应。
- Has that noisy class settled down yet?
- 那个吵闹的班安静下来了 吗 ?
- He settled himself more comfortably in his chair.
- 他使自己在椅子上坐得更舒服些.
- The foundations of the building settled.
- 这房屋的地基下陷了.
- The dispute was settled by mediation.
- 经调解使争端得以解决.
- Have you got everything settled at home?
- 家里都安顿好了 吗 ?
- This case should be settled at the discretion of the court.
- 此案该由法院裁定.
- It has not yet definitely settled.
- 这事还没有明确解决.
- After much discussion they settled on the plan originally proposed.
- 他们讨论了很久,然后确定了原来提出的那个计划.
- The arrangement for various parts has been settled.
- 部署已定.
- He settled on selling everything.
- 他决定卖掉所有的财产.
- The Whites settled down, bought a house, and put on the dog.
- 怀特一家定居下来, 买了房子, 大摆其阔.
- Pioneers from the East settled in this region in 1875.
- 1875年,来自东部的拓荒者在这个地区定居下来.
- She settled her mother in an armchair.
- 她让她母亲坐在扶手椅上休息.
- She came down last year and settled in the village.
- 去年她从城里来就定居在这个村子里.
- The weather has settled at last.
- 天气终于稳定下来了.
- The dust has now settled.
- 尘埃现在已经落定了.
- The dispute was settled by mediation of the third country.
- 这场争端通过第三国的斡旋而得以解决.
- The matter has been all settled.
- 事情总算办利落了.
- He hopes to have the problem settled as soon as possible.
- 他希望能尽快使这个问题得到解决.
- The sediment settled and the water was clear.
- 杂质沉淀后,水变清了.
- The dispute was settled without acrimony.
- 没有唇枪舌剑,这场纠纷就解决了。
- a settled way of life
- 安定的生活方式