英 ['trʌb(ə)ld]

- adj. 动乱的,不安的;混乱的;困惑的
- She looked into his troubled face.
- 她仔细打量着他那张布满愁容的脸。
- a troubled marriage
- 坎坷的婚姻
- We live in troubled times .
- 我们生逢乱世。
- Rose sounded deeply troubled...
- 罗斯听起来颇为烦恼。
- She was conscious of a troubled expression on Ann's face.
- 她注意到了安脸上露出了苦恼的表情。
- There is much we can do to help this troubled country...
- 我们可以做很多事情来帮助这个动荡不安的国家。
- Anyone who has been in a troubled relationship will sympathise with Sue…
- 那些曾经恋爱不顺利的人都会同情休。
- Who says a rotten and difficult student can never be taught ? I will show you how.
- 谁说' 朽木 不可雕也',俺偏要雕给你们看看.
- He is troubled by [ with ] nightmare.
- 他为噩梦所 折磨.
- After he had committed the crime, his conscience was troubled.
- 他犯罪后, 良心上感到很不安.
- The fight between the boys had become so fierce that the teacher had to come out to pour oil on troubled waters.
- 两个男生争吵得异常激烈,老师不得不出面调解.
- Jane has been troubled with bad dreams recently.
- 近来简常受噩梦的搅扰.
- He had a troubled adolescence.
- 他有一个不安的青春期.
- We must not try to play off the boy troubled with a stammer.
- 我们不可以取笑这个有口吃病的男孩.
- He spoke calmly to them trying to pour oil on troubled waters but it was useless.
- 他心平气和地与他们讲话,试图使争吵平息,但这却是徒劳的.
- You shouldn't have troubled yourself to prepare such a feast!
- 你不该准备这样丰盛的饭菜,这样太麻烦你了.
- Sorry to have troubled you with all such inconvenience.
- 对不起,委屈你了.
- I'm sorry to have troubled you a lot.
- 真抱歉让您费事了.
- I am troubled about her.
- 我为她感到不安.
- He felt troubled and distressed.
- 他感到烦恼苦闷.
- It is good fishing in troubled waters.
- 浑水好摸鱼.
- British forces will be drawn out of the troubled area.
- 英国军队将撤离这个动乱地区.
- The army arranged to fly the men out to the troubled island.
- 军队安排飞机把士兵运到发生动乱的岛上去.
- Her recent indifference to her work is all of a piece with her troubled mental state.
- 她最近对工作冷淡与她那不安的心境有关.
- She looked into his troubled face.
- 她仔细打量着他那张布满愁容的脸。
- Her dreams were troubled, reflecting the tenor of her waking hours.
- 她在梦中焦虑不安,反映了她白天生活的基调。
- Both sides were troubled throughout by a capricious wind.
- 双方一直在为风向飘忽不定而苦恼。
- He was troubled by the lifestyle of his son.
- 他对儿子的生活方式感到很担心。