英 ['kləʊzɪŋ]

- adj. 收盘的;结束的;结尾的
- n. 结尾辞
- v. 关闭(close的ing形式)
- his closing remarks
- 他的结束语
- the closing stages of the game
- 比赛的结束阶段
- the closing of the local school
- 当地学校的关闭
- He entered RAF service in the closing stages of the war...
- 战争快要结束的时候,他加入了英国皇家空军。
- They almost won the match in the closing minutes...
- 最后几分钟的时候他们差一点赢了这场比赛。
- He is closing with that young man.
- 他正在和那个年轻人进行会晤.
- The contradiction between two conflicting forces viewed as the determining factor in their continuing interaction.
- 主要矛盾-在继续的相互作用中被视为在决定因素的两个冲突力量之间的矛盾.
- The shopkeeper gave his store a final checkup before closing for the night.
- 店主在晚上打烊前对商店作了最后检查.
- The strings are muted throughout the closing bars of the symphony.
- 该交响曲结束部分各节中的弦乐全为弱化音.
- The 20 th of this month is the closing day for application.
- 申请到本月20日截止.
- The enemy is closing in on the city.
- 敌军正逼近这座城市.
- The days are closing in now that it is September.
- 已是九月了,白天正变得越来越短.
- It doesn't matter about closing the door.
- 关门没关系.
- May I suggest you closing the door?
- 我要求你把门关起来好 吗 ?
- His eyes were half closing in weariness.
- 他疲倦得眼睛都快睜不开了.
- This factory is closing soon.
- 这家工厂很快就要关闭.
- We are closing up the house for the summer.
- 夏季我们商号暂停营业.
- The book has a very effective closing chapter.
- 这本书的结尾一章给人印象极深.
- Before closing I want to mention all those who contributed so generously.
- 在我结束讲话的时候,我想提一下所有慷慨捐赠的人.
- These shoes are a bargain. Smith is closing them out.
- 这些鞋子系廉价商品, 史密斯正在削价出售.
- The store is closing out on Saturday.
- 那家商店周六减价抛售货物.
- A fire caused the premature closing of the exhibition.
- 火灾迫使展览会提前结束.
- Last year's tax demands are closing on me.
- 要 我 交纳去年税款的通知逼得我喘不过气来.
- The condition in one's closing years is no good.
- 晚景不佳.
- The European anthem was played at the opening and closing ceremonies.
- 欧洲颂歌在开幕式和闭幕式上演奏。
- the closing stages of the game
- 比赛的结束阶段
- Adjust the heat of the barbecue by opening and closing the air vents.
- 通过开关气阀来调节烧烤架的温度。
- Any entry arriving after the closing date will not be considered.
- 截止日期之后报名参赛的人将不予考虑。
- Oil prices were closing at $19.76 a barrel.
- 油价收于每桶19.76美元。
- Other members of the committee drifted in for a quick one before closing time.
- 委员会的其他成员陆续走了进来,想要趁关门前喝上一杯。