英 ['kæbɪn]

- n. 小屋;客舱;船舱
- vt. 把…关在小屋里
- vi. 住在小屋里
- n. (Cabin)人名;(法)卡班
- a log cabin
- 原木小屋
- He showed her to a small cabin.
- 他把她领到了一个小船舱。
- He sat quietly in the First Class cabin, looking tired.
- 他一脸倦意,静静地坐在头等舱里。
- ...a log cabin.
- 原木小屋
- We rented the cabin to a young couple.
- 我们将小屋租给了一对年轻夫妇.
- During the storm we were marooned in a cabin miles from town.
- 在风暴中我们被围困在离城数英里的小屋内.
- It's very hot in the cabin; let's go on deck.
- 舱室内很热, 我们到甲板上去 吧.
- They threw up a new cabin in a couple of hours.
- 在几小时之内他们就建起了一座新的小屋.
- Only the stewardess can go from the cabin to the cockpit.
- 只有空中小姐才能从乘客座舱进入驾驶员座舱.
- His cabin is uninhabitable in summer, let alone in winter.
- 他的小屋连夏天都不好住, 更不用说在冬天住了.
- The cabin was built of logs.
- 这小屋是用圆木造的.
- They used an air compressor to take in atmospheric air , compress it, and force it into the cabin.
- 他们用一台空气压缩机把大气中的空气吸进来, 加以压缩, 然后送入船舱.
- We pressed the buzzer in our cabin and a steward arrived instantly.
- 我们按了客舱的呼叫器,一个乘务员马上来了.
- The north wind howled around our cabin.
- 北风在我们小屋的周围怒号.
- Abraham Lincoln was born in a cabin.
- 亚伯拉罕·林肯出生在一个简陋的小屋里.
- This cabin will sleep four.
- 这间小屋可睡四人.
- During the fire, he was trapped under the cabin and was suffocated to death.
- 火患发生时, 他被困在舱底下窒息而死.
- That cabin in the woods has running water in the kitchen and the bathroom.
- 森林中的那间小木屋里,厨房和卫生间都有自来水.
- Please book me a cabin on the ship.
- 请替我在船上订一间舱房.
- The weight of the snow caused the roof of the cabin to cave in.
- 雪的重量使得小屋的屋顶塌陷.
- He was assured by a senior member of the cabin crew that there definitely was not an emergency.
- 一位高级乘务人员向他保证绝对没有发生紧急情况。
- The only guarantee of having a cabin to oneself is by travelling first class.
- 只有坐头等舱旅行才能保证一个人独享一舱。
- Dan was in his cabin, staring out of a porthole.
- 丹在自己的船舱里朝舱外凝视着。
- Getting into the aft cabin involves a slight step down from saloon level.
- 去后舱需要从餐厅的位置略微往下迈一小步。
- He paid for and was assigned a cabin in first class.
- 他付完钱后被安排到了头等舱。
- Tracy said the cabin was haunted.
- 特蕾西说小木屋闹鬼。
- Looking through the cabin window I saw the flicker of flames.
- 透过船舱的窗户我看到了闪烁的火光。
- Cabin crew have been giving evidence at the M1 aircrash enquiry.
- 机舱人员一直在为M1空难调查作证。
- In her panic she couldn't remember which was Mr Grainger's cabin.
- 在慌乱中她记不清哪个是格兰杰先生的船舱.