英 [læk]

- vt. 缺乏;不足;没有;需要
- vi. 缺乏;不足;没有
- n. 缺乏;不足
- n. (Lack)人名;(老)拉;(英、法、意、葡、匈)拉克;(匈)洛克
- a lack of food/money/skills
- 缺乏食物 / 金钱 / 技能
- The trip was cancelled through lack of (= because there was not enough) interest.
- 因为缺乏兴趣这次旅行被取消了。
- There was no lack of volunteers.
- 志愿者不乏其人。
- Some houses still lack basic amenities such as bathrooms.
- 有些住宅仍没有像卫生间这样的基本设施。
- He lacks confidence.
- 他缺乏信心。
- She has the determination that her brother lacks.
- 她有决心,而她兄弟却没有。
- Despite his lack of experience, he got the job...
- 他虽然经验不足,但还是获得了这份工作。
- The charges were dropped for lack of evidence...
- 指控因证据不足而被撤销。
- It lacked the power of the Italian cars...
- 它没有意大利轿车动力强劲。
- He lacked the judgment and political acumen for the post of chairman...
- 他欠缺做主席应具备的判断力和政治敏锐度。
- He said there was no lack of things for them to talk about...
- 他说他们之间不缺谈资。
- President Clinton displayed no lack of vigor when he began to speak.
- 克林顿总统开腔时颇有气势。
- A simple experiment will show us this motion we call heat.
- 一个简单的实验就能使人们明白我们称之为热的这种运动.
- The plan was criticized for its lack of rationale.
- 该计划因缺乏根据而遭到批评.
- His remarks lack point.
- 他的言词缺乏要点.
- His lack of English handicaps him.
- 他的英语不好对他是一件不利的事.
- I lack words with which to express my thanks.
- 我无法以言语来表达我的感激之情.
- Some people refer all the troubles to bad luck instead of lack of ability.
- 有些人把自己所有的苦恼都归咎于运气不佳,而不认为是缺乏能力.
- Their failure to reply to our letter seems to imply a lack of interest.
- 他们没有回我们的信似乎暗示他们缺乏兴趣.
- They wasted away for lack of food.
- 由于食物的缺乏,他们越来越虚弱了.
- What do you lack?
- 你要买点 什么 ?
- Lack of refrigeration turned the milk.
- 牛奶没有冷藏,变酸了.
- Through his lack of attention to the game he had put his white stone into a " tiger's mouth " formed by three black stones.
- 由于他漫不经心地下棋,他的白子掷到黑子的 虎口 里去了.
- Lack of money led to the abandonment of this plan.
- 由于缺乏经费,最后只好放弃这项计划.
- Lack of proper nourishment reduces their power to resist disease.
- 营养不良降低了他们抵抗疾病的能力.
- You show promise as a musician but your lack of practice is keeping you back.
- 你有希望成为音乐家,但是缺乏实践会影响你的发展.
- He felt people were contemptuous of his lack of sophistication.
- 他觉得人们看不起他不懂人情世故.
- The shop has shut down because of lack of trade.
- 那商店因生意萧条而停业.