英 ['keɪpəb(ə)l]

- adj. 能干的,能胜任的;有才华的
- You are capable of better work than this.
- 你有能力做得比这更好。
- She's a very capable teacher.
- 她是一位能力很强的教师。
- I'll leave the organization in your capable hands.
- 我要把组织工作交给你这位能手。
- I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself, thank you.
- 谢谢,我完全有能力自己做。
- He's quite capable of lying to get out of trouble.
- 靠撒谎渡过难关他挺有一套。
- Her husband was such a fine, capable man.
- 她丈夫又体贴又能干。
- She's a very capable speaker...
- 她能说会道。
- The kitchen is capable of catering for several hundred people...
- 厨房能同时容纳数百人进餐。
- He appeared hardly capable of conducting a coherent conversation...
- 他好像连话都说不清楚。
- This is simply not true.
- 事实上,根本就没有这回事.
- He is a manager capable of leadership.
- 他是个富有领导才能的经理.
- This football team has always been capable of gaining an advantage over its opponents by skillfull manoeuvring.
- 这个足球队总是能依靠机智的策略占对手的上风.
- Elephants like to have one master just as dogs do, and are capable of a considerable degree of personal affection.
- 大象正像狗一样,喜欢专一的主人, 而且能够有相当程度的个人感情.
- They built a robot capable of understanding spoken commands.
- 他们制造了一个能懂口头指令的机器人.
- The new woman secretary was extremely clever and capable.
- 这位新来的女秘书很是精明强干.
- Capable workers are the lifeblood of the business.
- 能干的工人是工商企业的生命力.
- These scouts are very shrewed and capable.
- 这些侦察员很精干.
- He is quite capable of cooking the evidence.
- 编造这个证据足以证明他很有才能.
- These robots are capable of shape discrimination.
- 这些机器人能辨别形状.
- Jim is capable at sports.
- 吉姆擅长运动.
- No tempest is capable of shattering his firm determination.
- 任何惊涛骇浪都不能动摇他坚如磐石的决心.
- It was felt that she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself.
- 人们认为她完全能照顾自己.
- In the wake of developments in science and technology, man has become more capable of conquering nature.
- 随着科学技术的发展, 人们征服自然的能力也越来越强了.
- He is capable of judging art.
- 他具有鉴赏艺术的能力.
- He has proved himself capable as administrator.
- 他表现出管理才能.