英 ['serɪmənɪ]

- n. 典礼,仪式;礼节,礼仪;客套,虚礼
- an awards/opening ceremony
- 颁奖 / 开幕仪式
- a wedding/marriage ceremony
- 婚礼
- Please don't stand on ceremony (= Please be natural and relaxed) with me.
- 请别跟我讲客套。
- He found himself pushed without ceremony out of the house and the door slammed in his face.
- 他被毫不客气地推出了屋子,门砰的一声当着他的面关上了。
- 'Is Hilton here?' she asked without ceremony.
- “希尔顿在吗?”她随口问道。
- ...the pomp and ceremony of the Pope's visit.
- 教皇来访的盛况和礼仪
- The Republic was proclaimed in public with great ceremony.
- 共和国在公开场合非常隆重地宣布成立。
- ...his grandmother's funeral, a private ceremony attended only by the family...
- 他祖母的葬礼,只有家人参加的私人仪式
- Today's award ceremony took place at the British Embassy in Tokyo.
- 今天的颁奖典礼在英国驻东京大使馆举行。
- Gathered here tonight at this annual ceremony we have a whole constellation of film stars.
- 今晚的年会上聚集了一大批电影明星.
- Make yourself at home ; there's no reason to stand on ceremony in our home.
- 请随便些,在我家不必拘礼.
- He gets vicarious pleasure by going to watch films about sex.
- 他去看色情电影,藉以从想象中获得代入感的愉悦.
- The ceremony proceeded in a solemn atmosphere.
- 仪式在庄严的气氛中进行.
- In the months leading up to the great ceremony, many people took part in the preparations.
- 临近盛典的几个月里, 许多人参加了准备工作.
- They uncovered the statue at the beginning of the ceremony.
- 仪式开始时,他们揭去了塑像的罩子.
- The Christian ceremony of baptism is a symbolic act.
- 基督教的洗礼仪式是一种象征性的做法.
- The first ceremony which we went into college is an impressive ceremony.
- 我们进入大学的第一次典礼给我们的印象很深.
- After the ceremony a marriage is a fait accompli.
- 婚礼后,婚姻便是既成事实了.
- We are all good friends ; why stand on ceremony?
- 都是自己人, 何必客气 呢 ?
- Come on. Don't stand on ceremony.
- 嗳, 别客气了.
- Don't stand on ceremony. I'm no stranger.
- 别客气, 我又不是外人.
- The ceremony is exclusively masculine.
- 典礼上清一色的全是男人.
- Marriage by a priest is lawful in England without another ceremony.
- 在英国,由牧师证婚的婚姻即使没有别的仪式也是合法的.
- Please don't stand on ceremony.
- 你甭客气.
- The ceremony was an ordeal for those who had been recently bereaved.
- 这个仪式对于那些新近丧失亲友的人来说是一种折磨。
- The President left his sickbed to attend the ceremony.
- 总统带病去出席那个仪式。