英 ['mɪz(ə)rɪ]

- n. 痛苦,悲惨;不幸;苦恼;穷困
- n. (Misery)人名;(法)米斯里
- Fame brought her nothing but misery.
- 名声只给她带来了痛苦。
- The vast majority of the population lives in utter misery.
- 这里的人绝大多数生活在极度贫困之中。
- the miseries of unemployment
- 失业的痛苦
- Don't be such an old misery!
- 别老这么牢骚满腹了!
- Put me out of my misery─did I pass or didn't I?
- 别再让我着急了——我及不及格?
- All that money brought nothing but sadness and misery and tragedy.
- 那笔钱带来的只有伤心、痛苦和悲剧。
- ...the miseries of his youth.
- 他年轻时遭受的不幸
- A tiny, educated elite profited from the misery of their two million fellow countrymen.
- 一小撮受过良好教育的精英分子从他们200万同胞的贫苦生活中获取利益。
- I'm not such a misery now! I gave up drink a few years back and that has changed things a lot.
- 我现在已经不喜欢抱怨了。几年之前我戒了酒,整个人就大不一样了。
- ...the gangs of kids who make our lives a misery.
- 弄得我们日子不得安宁的那几帮孩子
- Please put me out of my misery. How do you do it?
- 别让我着急了。你是怎样做的?
- The risk factors, he added, " are correctable and need to be corrected before treatment or concurrently. "
- 他补充: “ 危险因子是确切的,应该在治疗前或者同时被处理. ”
- Every moment of the fashion industry's misery is richly deserved by the designers and magazine poltroons who perpetuate this absurd creation.
- 时装工业每一个痛苦的时刻都是完全应该被时装设计师们…和那些使这种荒诞创造永久化的杂志懦夫领受.
- Industry depressions usually cause misery among the workers.
- 工业不景气常常使工人受害.
- Tell me the end of the story — put me out of my misery.
- 告诉我故事的结果吧,别让我焦急地等了.
- The people are plunged into an abyss of misery.
- 涂炭生灵.
- Business depression usually causes misery among the working class.
- 商业不景气常使工薪阶层受苦.
- A poor wedding is a prologue to misery.
- 不幸的婚姻是痛苦的开始.
- The family lived in misery for several years.
- 这家人过了几年的痛苦生活.
- Empathy for the criminal's childhood misery does not imply exoneration of the crimes he committed as an adult.
- 对罪犯悲惨的童年表示怜悯不等于可以免除他长大成人后所犯的罪.
- Destruction and misery attend on war.
- 破坏和苦难随战争而来.
- The actress is asking the court to protect her from an obsessive fan who is making her life a misery.
- 那个女演员要求法庭保护,使她不再受那个把她的生活搞得一团糟的痴狂影迷的骚扰.
- The child's misery tore my heart.
- 这小孩的悲惨境遇使我很伤心.
- The dying man was suffering so much that we thought it kinder to put him out of his misery.
- 那个垂死的人难受得不得了,所以我们认为让他一死了之更为仁慈些.