英 [brɪdʒ]

- n. 桥;桥牌;桥接器;船桥
- vt. 架桥;渡过
- n. (Bridge)人名;(英)布里奇
- The valley was originally bridged by the Romans.
- 那条峡谷上的桥最初是古罗马人修建的。
- A plank of wood bridged the stream.
- 溪上架了一条木板桥。
- Cultural exchanges are a way of building bridges between countries.
- 文化交流是各国之间建立联系的纽带。
- We crossed the bridge over the river Windrush.
- 我们穿过了温德拉什河上的桥。
- On the bridge of his hooked nose was a pair of gold rimless spectacles.
- 他的鹰钩鼻上架着一副金色无框眼镜。
- He walked back over the railway bridge.
- 他从铁路桥上走了回去。
- ...the Golden Gate Bridge.
- 金门大桥
- ...a land bridge linking Serbian territories.
- 连接塞尔维亚不同地区的陆桥
- It is unlikely that the two sides will be able to bridge their differences.
- 双方不太可能消除彼此之间的分歧。
- ...the singer who bridged the gap between pop music and opera.
- 将通俗音乐与歌剧结合起来的歌手
- We hope this book will act as a bridge between doctor and patient...
- 我们希望这本书能成为医生与患者之间沟通的桥梁。
- They saw themselves as a bridge to peace.
- 他们把自己看作实现和平的使者。
- Their Majesties will open the new bridge today.
- 国王和王后陛下今天将为新桥落成剪彩.
- As long as I live, the bridge lives.
- 人在, 桥就在.
- You can get a view of the whole bridge from here.
- 从这里可以看到大桥的全貌.
- They defied him to jump off the bridge.
- 他们激他跳下桥去.
- The bridge crosses the river at its narrowest point.
- 大桥在河的最狭处横跨河面.
- He partnered Peter at bridge.
- 他与彼得搭档打桥牌.
- The engineer drew a diagram of the bridge.
- 工程师绘制了一幅这座桥的示意图.
- They constructed the bridge in a year.
- 他们花一年时间建起了那座桥.
- The engineer had a bold plan to build a bridge over the English Channel.
- 这个工程师有一个大胆的计划:在英吉利海峡上建一座桥梁.
- We made an appeal to the villagers for money to build the bridge.
- 为建造这座桥,我们呼吁村民捐款.
- The enemy vainly attempted destroying the bridge.
- 敌人妄图破坏这座桥梁.
- Tenacity is the bridge to success.
- 坚韧是通向成功的桥.
- The bridge collapsed into the swollen river.
- 桥陷入了暴涨的河水里.
- We are at present in correspondence with the company on the matter of our estimate for the repair of the bridge.
- 我们目前正就我们估计修桥的费用这件事和该公司通信联系.
- I am enthusiastic over a project for building a new bridge.
- 我热衷于修建一座新桥的计划.
- They contracted to build the new bridge.
- 他们签订合同造新桥.