英 [sɒɪl]

- n. 土地;土壤;国家;粪便;务农;温床
- vt. 弄脏;污辱
- vi. 变脏
- poor/dry/acid/sandy/fertile, etc. soil
- 贫瘠、干旱、酸性、沙质、肥沃等的土壤
- the study of rocks and soils
- 对岩石和土壤的研究
- soil erosion
- 土壤侵蚀
- It was the first time I had set foot on African soil.
- 那是我第一次踏上非洲大地。
- soiled linen
- 脏了的日用织品
- (figurative)I don't want you soiling your hands with this sort of work (= doing sth unpleasant or wrong) .
- 我不希望你干这种事,免得脏了你的手。
- We have the most fertile soil in Europe.
- 我们拥有欧洲最肥沃的土地。
- ...regions with sandy soils.
- 沙土地区
- The issue of foreign troops on Turkish soil is a sensitive one.
- 在土耳其领土上驻扎外国军队这个问题非常敏感。
- Young people don't want to do things that soil their hands...
- 年轻人不愿做那些容易弄脏手的事情。
- He raised his eyes slightly as though her words might somehow soil him.
- 他略略地抬了抬眼皮,仿佛她的话会不小心玷污了他。
- A green manure is a crop grown mainly to improve soil fertility.
- 种植绿肥作物主要是为使土壤更加肥沃.
- She prepares her lessons and teaches us well.
- 她准备好她的课程教好我们.
- The soil moisture in the fields was evaporated.
- 田里的水分散失了.
- In place of the great trees which had been growing there for centuries, patches of green had begun to appear in the blackened soil.
- 一片一片的绿色草地开始在那烧焦了的土地上出现了,取代了在那里生长数个世纪的树木.
- After the harvest, the peasants began to prepare the soil for seed.
- 收割后, 农民就开始整地以便播种.
- After the hot dry summer, the soil is cracking up.
- 燥热的夏天过后, 土地在龟裂.
- Stamp the soil down so that it's compact.
- 把泥土踩结实.
- The rock has weathered away into soil.
- 岩石经雨蚀风化而变成泥土.
- Soil consists of various chemical substances.
- 土壤由各种化学物质组成.
- He compounded water, sand and soil and formed bricks.
- 他用水拌和沙和泥土做成砖块.
- This plant prefers alkaline soil, though it will readily tolerate some acidity.
- 这种植物在酸性土壤中也能生存, 但碱性土壤更加适宜.
- After the wheat crop has been gathered, many farmers burn the remains and plough the ash into the soil , so as to enrich the soil.
- 割完小麦后, 许多农夫把麦秸烧掉,并把灰烬埋入土中, 以增加土壤肥力.
- Lime in the soil is detrimental to some plants.
- 土壤里的石灰对某些植物有害.
- Scientists study the composition of the soil.
- 科学家研究土壤成份.
- Plants get the nutrition from the soil in which they grow.
- 植物从它们赖以生存的土壤中吸收养分.