英 ['lɜːnd]

- adj. 博学的;有学问的;学术上的
- n. (Learned)人名;(英)勒尼德
- a learned professor
- 学识渊博的教授
- a learned journal
- 学术性刊物
- a learned skill
- 学来的技能
- He is a serious scholar, a genuinely learned man.
- 他是一位严谨的学者,一个真正的学问家。
- This learned book should start a real debate on Western policy towards the Baltics.
- 这部学术性著作应该会引发一场关于西方对波罗的海国家政策的大辩论。
- Your anxiety is a learned reaction, and it is nurtured and sustained by the events of your everyday life.
- 人的焦虑是后天反应,由日常生活中的事件催生和维系。
- What do you like to do in your spare time?
- 空闲时你喜欢干什么?
- A foreign language cannot be learned rapidly, it must be learned step by step.
- 外语并非在短时间内就能学会, 学外语是一个循序渐进的过程.
- We learned the matter from an American paper.
- 我们从一家美国报纸上获悉此事.
- They learned she's gone.
- 他们得知她走了.
- In the course of our trip, we have learned a great deal in all the places we visited.
- 在参观访问过程中, 我们随时随地都能学到很多东西.
- He is learned, but neither stuffy nor pedantic.
- 他很博学, 但既不妄自尊大也不卖弄学问.
- His heart swelled up when he learned that he had won the prize.
- 当他知道他已获奖时,心里很自豪.
- He is learned in the law.
- 他精通法律.
- They fancied themselves learned and assumed airs of erudition.
- 他们自以为有学问,摆出一副博学的样子.
- She learned how to identify medicinal herbs from a traditional Chinese doctor.
- 她向一位中医大夫学习如何识别草药.
- It was not until yesterday that I learned it.
- 顶昨天我才听说这件事.
- The actor has learned off his lines.
- 这位演员已经把台词背下来了.
- We only learned about your intended visit yesterday.
- 我们昨天才听说你们准备来访.
- Have you learned your lessons?
- 你的功课学会了 吗 ?
- The baby has just learned to toddle.
- 小孩子刚会走道儿.
- She learned Latin without a master.
- 她无师自通学会了拉丁语.
- He is a very learned man.
- 他是一位学识渊博的人.
- He learned all the texts by heart.
- 所有的课文他都背得烂熟.
- Then he remembered a poem that he had learned when he was a child.
- 这时他记起小时候学过的一首诗.
- I have learned the poem off.
- 这首诗我已经背熟了.
- More and more women today have learned to arise in defence of their legal rights.
- 现在越来越多的妇女学会起来保护她们的合法权利.
- She learned to accept criticism without rancour .
- 她学会了坦然接受批评而不怀恨在心。