英 ['naʊədeɪz]

- adv. 现今;时下
- n. 当今
- Nowadays most kids prefer watching TV to reading.
- 现在大多数孩子都喜欢看电视而不喜欢读书。
- Nowadays it's acceptable for women to be ambitious. But it wasn't then...
- 如今,女性胸怀大志也能被接受,但那时候不是这样。
- I don't see much of Tony nowadays.
- 我现在不经常见到托尼了。
- Interfaces describe a set of functionality, or a contract.
- 接口描述了一系列功能, 或者是约定.
- Nowadays, one's voice, appearance, or movement can be recorded onto tape or film.
- 现在一个人的声音 、 表情或者动作都可以录在磁带或胶片上.
- Nowadays it is very easy to earn a living.
- 现今谋生很容易.
- Nowadays we can use plastic instead of cash in many places buying things.
- 如今在许多场所都可以用信用卡代替现金来购买物品.
- Things seem to be going from bad to worse nowadays.
- 情况似乎越来越糟了.
- Nowadays petrol costs too much.
- 如今的汽油太贵了.
- Nowadays, corporal punishment is banned in many schools.
- 现在许多学校禁止体罚.
- She doesn't garden very much nowadays — she tires easily.
- 她最近不常在园子里干活——她很容易疲劳.
- Nowadays, it appears that too many films are being produced, and a tax on films will help to redress the balance.
- 时下制作的电影太多了, 看来应该征收电影稅来改变这种局面.
- Girls nowadays don't wear their heart on their sleeves.
- 如今女孩子不轻易流露自己的感情.
- Nowadays girls pilot planes, too!
- 现在姑娘家也会开飞机啦!
- Cars go very fast nowadays.
- 如今的汽车跑得快.
- Very little forest is left unexplored nowadays.
- 如今,未被勘测的森林是少之又少了.
- Nowadays novelists aim at novelty either in subject or in style, instead of following the beaten path of conventionality.
- 近来,小说家在题材上或文体上追求新奇而不走传统老路.
- Many shoes nowadays are made of plastic or similar stuff.
- 如今,许多鞋子是用塑料或类似的材料制成的.
- Nowadays I seem tired with the least exertion.
- 现在我好像稍一用力就感到疲劳.
- The style of cloth is in fashion nowadays.
- 现在这种布料正流行.
- Clothing seems to wear out in no time nowadays.
- 现在的衣服好像很快就穿破了.
- We must go with the times, and go as others do nowadays.
- 我们必须跟上时代潮流.
- There is no sale for watches of that kind nowadays.
- 目前这种款式的表没有销路.
- You can't set up a business nowadays without money behind you.
- 现如今你要是没有钱在后边撑着,就办不成事.
- The rules of etiquette are not so strict nowadays.
- 如今的礼仪规则已不那么严格了.
- He's much thinner nowadays than he used to be; I think he's been ill.
- 最近他比以前瘦多了, 我想他一直在生病.
- We can see many adulterators in the market nowadays.
- 时下我们能见到有许多低劣商品冲击市场.
- Most films are colour ones nowadays.
- 现在大多数影片是彩色的.