英 ['filin]

- n. 代替者;补充物
- adj. 临时填补的
- Can you fill in some of the details of your career?
- 能不能把你的工作经历填得详细一点?
- Fill in gaps by using short, upward strokes of the pencil.
- 用铅笔向上短短地勾画几道来填充空白。
- Many people find it difficult to fill in a form.
- 许多人发现表格填写困难.
- He was called on to fill in in an emergency.
- 他是在紧急情况下被召去临时补缺的.
- He helped us to fill in a big gap in our knowledge.
- 他帮我们填满知识上的空白.
- Draw an outline before you fill in the details.
- 先画个轮廓,再画细部.
- First make an outline, and then fill in the content.
- 先搭好架子, 再充实内容.
- I'm only here as a fill - in while she's away.
- 她外出期间,我是替工.
- I'll find someone to fill in for you.
- 我去找个人来顶替你.
- Fill in the blanks with verbals.
- 用动词的非谓语形式填空.
- Let's fill in the hole.
- 咱们把这个洞塞上.
- You will be asked to fill in a form with details of your birth and occupation.
- 你将需要填写一张有关生日和职业详情的表格。
- Before leaving, he went into his office to fill in the daily time sheet.
- 离开前,他到自己的办公室填写了日常考勤表。
- Fill in the coupon and send it first class to the address shown.
- 填写订单,并按一类邮件寄至注明的地址。
- He used such mannerism as " er " and " uh " to fill in a pause.
- 他说话间歇时总爱用 “ 呃 ” “ 嗯 ” 之类的话搭头.