英 ['lʌgɪdʒ]

- n. 行李;皮箱
- There's room for one more piece of luggage.
- 还有地方再放一件行李。
- You stay there with the luggage while I find a cab.
- 你看着行李,我去找出租车。
- Leave your luggage in the hotel...
- 将您的行李放在酒店。
- Each passenger was allowed two 30-kg pieces of luggage.
- 每位乘客可带两件30公斤的行李。
- What do you like to do in your spare time?
- 空闲时你喜欢干什么?
- Luggage in excess of 20 kg is taxed.
- 行李超过20公斤要付费.
- Let's check our luggage here and come back for it later.
- 行李先存在这里,回头再来取.
- I'll mount guard over the luggage while you get the ticket.
- 你去买票,我来看管行李.
- I've put your luggage on the train.
- 我已把你的行李搬上火车了.
- Only fifty kilos are allowed for personal luggage.
- 每人只许携带50公斤行李.
- Would you mind pointing out your luggage for inspection?
- 可否把你的行李指给我们检查?
- The luggage has got loosened.
- 行李散了.
- With her luggage in her hands , the girl stood looking round in all directions, but apparently no one had come to meet her.
- 这个女学生提着她的行李,在站台外东张西望, 却看不见有接她的人.
- The luggage has been left behind.
- 行李忘了带.
- Put the luggage in the boot.
- 把行李放在汽车行李箱里.
- Will you please keep an eye on my luggage?
- 劳驾帮我看一下行李.
- Seeing he was embarrassed with his luggage, I offered to help him.
- 我看见他带着行李不方便, 就主动去帮他.
- They went through our luggage at the customs.
- 海关人员仔细检查了我们的行李.
- Give me the luggage check and I'll get it for you.
- 把行李条给我,我去给你取.
- He attached labels to his luggage.
- 他把标签贴在行李上.
- How many kilograms of luggage can I carry with me?
- 我随身可以带多少公斤行李?
- I've already sent on my luggage.
- 我已经将行李寄出.
- He checked his luggage at the station.
- 他把行李寄存在车站.
- Make sure your luggage is properly labelled.
- 请务必把你行李上的标签贴好.
- Has the luggage been weighed?
- 行李过磅了没有?
- His luggage was lost in transit.
- 他的行李在运送中丢失.
- The shoulder pole creaked under the weight of the luggage.
- 行李压得扁担嘎吱嘎吱直响.
- There's room for one more piece of luggage.
- 还有地方再放一件行李。
- They checked in their luggage and found seats in the departure lounge.
- 他们办完行李托运,到候机室找了座位坐下。