英 [tʃɪəz]

- v. 感谢;谢谢;再见
- Cheers then. See you later.
- 告辞了。再见!
- The candidate waved his hands to acknowledge the cheers of the crowd.
- 候选人挥手对大众的欢呼表示感谢.
- Cheers greeted the arrival of the Queen.
- 一片欢呼声欢迎女王莅临.
- The cheers of the fans echoed round the ground as the team appeared.
- 球队一上场,球迷们的欢呼声立即响遍全场.
- The loud cheers drown out his shouts.
- 欢呼声盖过了他的喊叫声.
- The crowd drowned his last few words in cheers.
- 人群的欢呼声淹没了他的最后几句话.
- Cheers drowned his shouting.
- 欢呼声盖过了他的叫声.
- The glad tidings gave rise to thunderous cheers.
- 喜讯传来,欢声雷动.
- His speech was greeted with cheers.
- 他的演说得到热烈的喝采.
- The players were greeted by rousing cheers.
- 演员们受到热烈的欢呼.
- Let's give three cheers for the visitors.
- 让我们向来宾三次欢呼.
- Three cheers for the winner: Hip, hip, hurray!
- 为胜利者欢呼三声: 加油, 加油, 加油!
- Three cheers for the winner — hip, hip, hooray!
- 为胜利者欢呼三声——嗨, 嗨, 万岁!
- The audience broke out into thunderous cheers.
- 全场欢声雷动.
- Cheers rang out from the assembly hall.
- 大厅里响起了欢呼声.
- The mountain village rang with cheers and laughter.
- 欢声笑语满山村.
- The cheers of the audience drowned the professor's voice.
- 听众的欢呼声淹没了这位教授的声音.
- The crowd burst into cheers.
- 人群中爆发出一片欢呼声.
- When our trainer stopped speaking, there were a few dutiful cheers.
- 当我们的教练说完的时候, 底下是一些例行的欢乐呼声.
- The audience broke into loud cheers.
- 观众连声叫好.
- Cheers then. See you later.
- 告辞了。再见!
- This solution is a fudge rushed in to win cheers at the party conference.
- 这个解决方案是为了赢得党的会议的赞誉而仓促搞出来的表面文章。
- Mr Gould was given a standing ovation and loud cheers when he finished his speech.
- 古尔德先生结束演讲后,全场起立鼓掌并热烈欢呼。
- Her dancing brought loud cheers, wolf whistles and applause.
- 她的舞蹈赢来震耳的欢呼声、口哨声和掌声。
- His announcement did not produce any immediate cheers, only a stunned silence while the words sank in.
- 他的声明并没有当即引起什么欢呼,人们在领会了他的话后,只有一片令人意想不到的沉默。
- There were cheers for each of the women as they spoke in turn.
- 当这些女人们逐一发言时,她们每个人都赢得了喝彩声。
- Their cheers drowned out the protests of demonstrators.
- 他们的欢呼声盖过了示威者的抗议声。
- Then came the riders amid even louder cheers and whoosh! It was all over.
- 在更大的欢呼声中骑手们冲过来了,只听呼的一声,就全部飞奔而过!
- They marched into town to the wild cheers of the inhabitants.
- 他们在居民们狂热的欢呼声中迈步走进镇里。
- "Cheers," he said and winked daringly at her.
- “干杯,”他边说边大胆地向她使眼色。